Tuesday, May 12, 2009

To better understand this story, you must know my boyfriend, Ben goes to a private college. Going forward, He has been trying to get "off Campus" housing for about 2-3 months now. Which I know is ridiculous, but that's what he has to do if he wants to live off campus with my best friend Mark and I. This process has been so agonizing and quite frankly, annoying. I just do not understand the concept of forcing someone to live where they do not want to, but then again it all goes back to money and power. Well the good news is, yesterday Ben walks up to me shoves his phone in my face and I read an e-mail that said " I an pleased to inform you that you have been granted off-campus housing." I freaked out! I was estatic! So now that we know he can live off campus, we are starting to look at houses in Conway. Actually, we already have one picked out that my mom is taking us to look at sometime within the next week. The best part is my dad is all for it [which is odd] and my mom is wish-washy. I do hope things work out well in the end, I just don't wanna miss an opportunity like this! The house is adorable and right in the middle of Hendrix and U.C.A, which again is perfect.

Oh I hope it works out! I do I do I tell yah!!


  1. YAY! That's tiiight. you guys have to get that house! we will be so close!

  2. good luck! & I hope to see you when I am in Arkansas visiting tori :)
